Welcome, beautiful woman! I am here to empower you to live your life to the fullest!


Do you suffer from low self-esteem?

Are you tired of living with anxiety every day?

Do you have a lot of self-doubts?


Do you want to have more confidence and live an anxiety-free life?

You deserve to live a life you love!


As a women’s empowerment life coach, I create a made-to-measure coaching plan to help you overcome the blocks in both your personal and professional lives. I am here to shine that light on your pathway, to support you in your hard times, to help you see your worthiness, to give you tools to build a happy life.


I know how hard it is to struggle with fears, live with anxiety every day, or think you’re not good enough. I’ve walked in your shoes, and I felt exhausted by my own limitations until one day when I decided it’s time for a change. It wasn’t easy, but during my coaching process I learned how to love myself more, value my time, and enjoy the beauty of life. Now, I want to help you see the light at the end of the tunnel, and I am here to assist you on your transformational journey.


Are you committed to leave all your limitations behind and move forward with confidence?


I worked with Alexandra to be able to overcome the difficult moment in my life when I wanted to give up my business. I found the support needed through therapy with her and she reminded me why I started this business and what my goal is. I have no words to thank you, Alexandra, but I am not ready yet to give up therapy with you. So I look forward to seeing you soon!



Before starting my coaching sessions with Alexandra I felt lost in my relationship with my husband, but now I have more clarity in what I want from our relationship, I know how to set boundaries and I have the key to a happy marriage.


Cosmina Z

A few years ago a moved to another country and even though it was only an hour flight from my home country, the transition took its toll on me. Even though I moved with my job and I really loved what I was doing, feeling lonely was such a big setback that I even thought about moving back to my old country. I needed to give it one more shot, so I started working with Alexandra and that changed everything. I learnt how strong I am and how many resources I have within myself and now, 2 years later I can call my adoptive country "home".

